Crummer’s Center for Leadership Development Expands Program Offerings

Fueling the Crummer MBA’s ranking as the #1 program in the nation for leadership for four years in a row, the Crummer Center for Leadership Development is now offering four program tracks.
The Center for Leadership Development, a core component of the Crummer MBA’s ranking as the #1 masters program in the nation for leadership, is expanding its offerings.
Starting this fall, students can choose between four different leadership tracks: the Mentoring Leadership Track, Non-profit Board Leadership Track, Student Leadership Advisory Board Leadership Track(SLAB), and the Certificate in Leadership Track.
The cornerstone leadership program for the Center for Leadership Development, the Truist Distinguished Leader of Merit Competition is continuing as well, with EAMBA and PMBA students all eligible for the competition.
The goal of the new programming is to give an even more personalized approach to Early Advantage, Professional, and Executive MBA students’ leadership journeys.

Sabrina Deshner, assistant director with the Center for Leadership Development (CLD), says the enhanced offerings at the CLD provide students the opportunity to cater their leadership needs to their interests.
“We recognize that each student has a unique leadership ambition. In the Center, we offer opportunities for individuals to develop the leadership journey that aligns with their ambition,” said Deshner.
The Center for Leadership Development defines the leadership experience for Crummer students based on the below LEAD pillars:
· Leading innovation and change within your organization and community.
· Engaging individuals and communities to collaborate and move toward a shared vision through empowerment, motivation, recognition and reward.
· Awareness of emotional intelligence in yourself and others and how your actions, emotions and conversations will impact a team.
· Developing a strategy for effectively managing and completing tasks while delegating authority at the appropriate level to achieve objectives.
Even if a student is not participating in one of the four leadership tracks, they can still sign up for individualized leadership coaching sessions through the center. Usually reserved solely for c-suite leaders and top executives, the students have the opportunity to choose from five highly-respected leadership coaches.
“We realize not every student can complete a leadership track, but this is an opportunity for them to still engage with the CLD and enhance their leadership skills through premier, personalized coaching,” said Deshner.
Students interested in additional mentorship and leadership coaching can enroll in the Mentoring Leadership Track, in which they are paired with one of more than a dozen Crummer mentors, with a range of experience in entrepreneurship, finance, marketing and more, to guide them for six months to discuss professional development opportunities and career information. The Crummer mentors include company founders, managing directors at large companies, CEOs, etc.
Students who want to put their leadership into action with their peers, can choose the Student Leadership Advisory Board Track, in which they have direct influence in shaping the CLD’s programs for current and future students, while networking with business leaders. This program is open to both first-year and second-year students, with the first-year students participating in the Programming Committee and second-year students participating in the Peer Ambassador Committee.
The non-profit focused students have the opportunity to partner with the Edyth Bush Institute For Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership to serve as an active, full voting Board Member, an invaluable experience for a student looking to become a non-profit leader. The students participating in this program will be working alongside top non-profit leaders in Central Florida, making real decisions that will affect the community.
Finally, the Certificate in Leadership Track offers students a comprehensive leadership journey including coaching, 360 Degree leadership assessment, a Leadership Development Plan, and an approved Leadership Project by the CLD. Students who take this route must first complete the Fundamentals for Leadership during their first year as a student before they can embark on the Certificate in Leadership Track. The students who are most outstanding throughout their leadership journey during the Certificate in Leadership can apply for the Truist Distinguished Leader of Merit competition, the highest leadership honor a student can earn during their time at Crummer.
“We’ve had amazing students come through the leadership center and hope to continue to positively change the leadership trajectories of our students for years to come with our top-ranked leadership program,” said Deshner.
If you are interested in learning more about the Center for Leadership Development, please reach out to Sabrina Deshner at sdeshner@rollins.edu.