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Crummer Leads World-Renowned Marketing Journal

Charles Harwood Professor of Marketing and Strategy, Dr. Greg Marshall serves as the editor-in-chief of the prestigious European Journal of Marketing.
A core tenet of the Crummer mission of building “globally responsible leaders” is exemplified by the School’s ties to one of the most highly-respected academic marketing journals in the world.
The European Journal of Marketing (EJM) is led by Crummer’s own Dr. Greg Marshall, who serves as the editor-in-chief, supported by a team of three regional editors, over thirty associate editors, and hundreds of reviewers throughout the world.
The EJM, founded in 1967, is at the forefront of thought leadership in the marketing world, offering unparalleled research-driven insights on both current best practices and future trends in the field. EJM is published by Emerald Publishing, who highly values and supports work that has demonstrates broad metrics of impact. This philosophy ensures that both marketing academics and practitioners are able to gain maximum benefits from the articles well beyond simply citation counts.

But speaking of citations, Clarivate Web of Science Group (the leading organization that calculates and tracks the impact of journals based on the citation rates of its articles) reports that in June of 2021, EJM scored a 4.647 impact factor. This is very high and is EJM’s fourth major advance in four years – making it one of the leading journals in all of marketing.
On top of this, the Australian Business Dean’s Council (ABDC) periodically rates journals around the world in terms of their overall level of quality. EJM was recently renewed at the A* level on the ABDC journal ratings list – the highest possible rating. These ratings are used at universities around the world in evaluating marketing faculty’s research contributions (interestingly, the ABDC list is the most-used journal rating list in US business schools!).
“The fact that EJM is associated with us here at Crummer really ratifies what we already know – that Crummer is a world-class institution that can compete with the very best graduate business schools,” said Dr. Marshall.
As for Dr. Marshall’s work as the editor-in-chief of the journal, his primary role is to set the strategic tone and editorial goals and policies, as well as to make the final decisions on acceptance or rejection of manuscripts. He works very closely with the three regional editors, one each in North America, Asia-Pacific, and Europe, who serve as key contacts for authors and reviewers within those regions.
From there, roughly 30 active associate editors who have specializations on certain topics within the marketing field carry out the review process on the submissions that come into the journal, along with selected reviewers assigned to each paper who are also topic experts.

“It’s a big operation,” said Dr. Marshall. “It’s the busiest journal in marketing in terms of submissions; we are tracking toward a little over 1,000 submissions for 2021.”
Of those 1,000 submissions, the acceptance rate for being published in the EJM is around 11 percent.
Emerald publishes 12 issues of the journal per year, with about 10-12 articles in each journal, agnostic to preferences for topics as long as they fit well under the marketing umbrella. Although, “European” is in the title of the journal, it does not mean the journal focuses particularly on marketing in Europe. Dr. Marshall stresses it’s a global journal with thought leadership on topics from around the world.
“This journal runs the gamut from branding, consumer research, business-to-business marketing types of papers, marketing strategy, and pretty much anything in marketing is welcome for consideration as long as it’s well-executed and making a sufficient contribution,” he said.
Getting published in a journal that is highly-respected and highly-impactful is one of the best ways for academics to substantiate the value of their research. As the European Journal of Marketing continues on its upward trend, Dr. Marshall along with the support of Emerald Publishing has plans to continue to build its level of impact even higher.
“Our impact is already through the roof compared to many journals, and in terms of the “pecking order” of marketing journals, our impact level and quality has made EJM highly attractive for submissions,” said Dr. Marshall.